Τρίτη 1 Νοεμβρίου 2016

STR 001 Bugaloo Foundation - La Cadena on Stutter & Twitch

STR 001 Bugaloo Foundation - La Cadena 30.09.16///Already OUT on Stutter & Twitch///''Hyped'' to make a lot of buzz on Latin dancers and lovers, ''La Cadena'' has a NYC, Candella's and Tokyo jazz connection (especially when is running out). I like a lot as the second connection between Puerto Rico and Jamaica, ‘’Rocksteady Bugalu’’… - DJ Nova, NovavoN, ‪‎#NovaPlanetRadioShow‬,‪ ‎#RodonFM95‬/// #newrelease #Latin #reggae

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Γυμνή Νύχτα # 422 - 15/08/2023
