Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2017

JMANLP091 Mor Thiam - Dini Safarrar on Jazzman Records

JMANLP091 Mor Thiam - Dini Safarrar 25.11.16///Already OUT on Jazzman Records///Fantastic concept behind this release and this African artist. It’s almost a decade that I heard for first time about Mor Thiam when I was deeply into jazz and spiritual jazz digging, via Jazzman Records, but never heard the chance to hear it got it. Even from the first track you think that tones of producers from jazz, funk and hip hop inspired or based on this masterpiece and Mor Thiam’s skills to make their sound. “Dini Safarrar” is a strong rhythmical and percussive domestication between different styles, places and forms. - DJ Nova, NovavoN, Nova Planet Radio Show, Rodon FM 95/// ‪ #African #Afro #Cuban #jazz #spiritualjazz #funk

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