Σάββατο 21 Οκτωβρίου 2017

OSCR098 Marc Heun - Hawaii on Oh So Coy Recordings

OSCR098 Marc Heun - Hawaii 15.09.17///Already OUT on Oh So Coy Recordings///The lazy power of the exotic Original breaks can melt the ice. B&S Concept on their wicked Remix makes the Original an undergrounf dancefloor trend. I like a lot Manuel Costela’s Aloha Remix, cool old school heavy West Coast vibes, extra funky, quite cosmic I can say full of eighties ‘’chucky’’ vibes… In the end Soundealersgoing really weird and makes things uncategorized on their jazz heavy and piano addicted Remix. And wondering here… Is it house aw we know it or… For sure it is OSC as we like. Oh So Cool! - DJ Nova,NovavoN, Nova Planet Radio Show, Rodon FM 95/// #newrelease #dance #house #deephouse

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Γυμνή Νύχτα # 422 - 15/08/2023
