Τετάρτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

SJ003 Natural Lateral - Cogito Ergo Jam on Social Joy

SJ003 Natural Lateral - Cogito Ergo Jam 21.10.19 ◉ OUT on Social Joy ◉ With an unmistakable millennium plus revival of what we called nu-jazz the album transcends to many directions in jazz. Moving and sliding among Latin, Bossa mostly and emblazed with natural elements and organic drums & percussions, mirrors the future past of the genre and brings out a sense of adventure. It’s Nova Style as they used to call the merge of styles I used to do and play those days on the radio and my dj sets. - DJ Nova NovavoN #NovaPlanetRadioShow #RodonFM95 ♫ #NovAvoN #jazz #Latin

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Γυμνή Νύχτα # 422 - 15/08/2023
