Τρίτη 10 Μαρτίου 2020

TARTRE01 Lotte Kærså & Græsrødderne - Jubiiilæum on TARTELET RECORDS

TARTRE01 Lotte Kærså & Græsrødderne - Jubiiilæum 20.02.20 ◉ OUT TODAY on TARTELET RECORDS ◉ Ι'm excited with this one! It's an compelling release whether electronic or organic, Danish or global. When i started listening the promotional campaign I thought it was something from Africa, then I read the press quotes. ''Jubiiilæum'' is an exploration to the unlimited thirsty for life, love and progress between the teacher and the children, it's a school. African, jazz, Latin, funk, dub and electronic music here is a stair between 70's and 80's and connected under a seminal symmetry that children's idiosyncrasy and vocals only can offer. Lotte Kærså and her children are creating an imaginery world music sway for adults as well. - DJ Nova, NovavoN#NovaPlanetRadioShow#RodonFM95 ♫ PLAYED: https://www.mixcloud.com/NovaPlanetRadioShow/1705/ #NovAvoN #world #afro #dub #funk #samba #jazz

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Γυμνή Νύχτα # 422 - 15/08/2023
