Τρίτη 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

BU018 Bahama Soul Club - Bohemia After Dawn on Buyu

BU018 Bahama Soul Club - Bohemia After Dawn 16.07.20 ◉ OUT on Buyu ◉ Over the past few years Bahama Soul Club established as one of the best names and projects of the modern jazz scene that created after nu-jazz arrival. Bahama Soul Club was and is traversing the boundaries between Latin, jazz, cuban, funk and soul under the umbrella of its unique and delicate capture of percussive and horn session. ''Bohemia After Dawn'' is looking like one of its most vital work to date as is coming after four year hiatus, except some digital singles, but sound cultrivating in the studio. Each track is magnificent and all are carefully put together a masterpiece album, a milestone on Oliver Betlz carrier. Arema Arega, Sister Wynona Carr, Josephine Nightingale and Taly Minkov-Louzeiro are completing this another high rated organic kaleidoscope of Bahama Soul Club groove philosophy. - DJ Nova NovavoN #NovaPlanetRadioShow #RodonFM95 ♫ #NovAvoN #bossanova #Latin #jazz #funk #tropical #reggae #mango 

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